Youth Consecration Week

By Apostolic Assembly Central Phoenix (other events)

2 Dates Through Mar 19, 2021

Praise the Lord young people! We are opening the door for 100 youth to attend each service. Since we can only have 100 MOP's, we are asking you to reserve your spot with a $5 commitment. Our Thursday night service features Minister Judah Montenegro (our AZMOP president and NationalMOP treasurer) as our guest speaker. Friday night we have Pastor Anthony Romo. You don't want to miss these two giants in the faith. Don't delay in reserving your spot as we only have 100 seats available. God bless and we can't wait to see you!

¡Paz de Cristo jovenes! Estamos abriendo la puerta a 100 jovenes que quieran asistir a cada servicio. Como nada mas nos estan permitiendo a 100 jovenes, estamos pidiendo que reserva su lugar con un compromiso de $5. En nuestro servicio de jueves nos va traer la palabra el Ministro Judah Montenegro (presidente de AZMOP y tesorero de los Mensajeros de Paz al nivel nacional). Viernes tenemos al Pastor Anthony Romo. No se quiere perder estos dos gigantes de la fe. No se espere en reservar su lugar como solo hay 100 espacios. ¡Dios les bendiga, los esperamos!

Apostolic Assembly Central Phoenix